Indian weightlifting federation banned - again

The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has suspended the Indian federation after more doping violations by its lifters.

"Regrettably, four adverse analytical findings were reported on the occasion of doping controls carried out on the Indian national team members this year," the IWF said on its official web site.

"The Indian Weightlifting Federation has been suspended, the duration of which will be decided by the IWF Executive Board at the end of May."

The Indian federation was banned for one year in August 2004 after two female lifters tested positive at the Olympic Summer Games in Athens that that same year.

This month, two male lifters, Edwin Raju and Tajinder Singh, tested positive at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games after female lifter Shailaja Pujari was dropped from the squad following tests conducted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). All three tested positive for the banned anabolic steroid Stanozolol.

Then female lifter Boradi Prameelavalli was the fourth lifter to test positive, also for Stanozolol.

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