Used by experts globally

Doing a story on doping in sport?
Get the information you need for your story in seconds rather than days.
The Anti-Doping Database are used by journalists at the largest news organisations in the world.
Our database have current information on doping cases, including cases that are no longer available on the internet.
We create features with journalists in mind and know the importance of sourcing data quickly.

Defending an athlete who has violated an anti-doping rule?
By using the Anti-Doping Database, you can save time and get
valuable information to help defend your client.Our database contains information on more than 12000 doping sanctions,
dating back to the 1960s and you will get access to legal papers no longer publicly available online.
Easily search and explore sabotage, contamination and legal decisions.

Researching anti-doping and need trustworthy data?
Using the Anti-Doping Database will make your research faster and give you all information needed. Highly acclaimed research institutions and universities around the world trust and use us. Our research tool provide data on more than 12000 doping sanctions since the 1960s not found elsewhere.
Book a 30 minute demonstration
The Anti-Doping Database is a unique resource that provides insights into
doping trends in sports around the world.
We register information on athletes who have violated an anti-doping rule, regardless of sport or nationality.
This data allows us to identify patterns and trends, such as which sports have the biggest problem with
doping and which substances are most commonly used.
Book a free 30-minute demonstration to learn more about how The Anti-Doping Database can help you:
- Help you save time doing research on doping in sport
- Track the effectiveness of your anti-doping programs
- Protect the integrity of your sport
We don't need more than 30 minutes of your time for this demonstration. This also includes time for Q&A.