India tops doping statistics for weightlifting

Oslo (ADDB): A search in the Anti-Doping Database reveals that India has the most doping cases in weightlifting.

The country has 117 registered suspended athletes in the database. That is close to twice as many as Russia in second place with 67. Bulgaria follows with 44 banned athletes. Weightlifting is ranked third in the top ten list of sports with the most anti-doping rule violations with 1027 registered cases. Athletics tops our statistics with 2243 registered cases followed by cycling with 1106.

Stanozolol the most used substance

In weightlifting the most commonly used substance is Stanozolol. The substance has been found in the sample in 190 cases. This pattern is also present among Indian athletes where the substance was found in 45 of the cases. In 2010 the substance was found in 11 of the 25 registered cases. Since then the number of stanozolol-related cases has dropped to between one and five cases involving this substance each year. Stanozolol is also the most commonly used substance amongst Indian athletes. In 184 of the registered cases the substance was found.

Close to 600 banned athletes registered

In the Anti-Doping Database, we have registered 595 athletes from India who has been sanctioned for an anti-doping rule violation. 207 of these are track and field athletes. Of the 595 athletes 479 has been banned for two years and 28 has been given a lifetime suspension. 95 of the Indian weightlifting athletes who tested positive for a banned substance has been banned for two years. Seven has been given a lifetime suspension. The Anti-Doping Database has been registering anti-doping rule violations since 2005. Our sources are national and international anti-doping organizations and international sports federations.

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