CAS-decision in the Mario Vuskovic case

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has announced its decision in the case of Mario Vuskovic. The appeal by the National Anti Doping Agency (NADA Germany) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was upheld.

The sanction is a four-year suspension. The provisional suspension, which has been in force since 15 November 2022, will be taken into account by the court. The CAS decision will soon be available online:

Vuskovic was tested out-of-competition in September 2022. He was first sanctioned with a two-year suspension by the Sports Tribunal of the German Football Association (DFB). NADA Germany and the World Anti-Doping Agency challenged the decision to CAS. The player did also challenge the decision as he wanted the sanction to be annuled.

Vuskovic is the first football player we register in the database who has tested positive for EPO. 

In our database we have registered more than 380 doping cases related to soocer (football).  Our statistics shows that Brazil and Italy is on the top, both with 31 sanctioned athletes each. UK comes in third place with 24 athletes sanctioned for an anti-doping rule violation.

Out of the more than 380 doping cases, Nandrolone was involved in 43 of them. Cocaine comes in second with 35, followed by Norandrosterone with "just" 23.