WADA begins investigation of doping in athletics

The World Anti-Doping Agency has started investigating the allegations presented in the ARD-documentary aired on August 1, 2015.


The WADA Independent Commission (IC), chaired by former WADA-president Richard Pound, has already started their work and has sent experts to the IAAF headquarters to start analysing the database. Investigatory work has already started and will be performed under the direction of the IC by WADA staff familiar with analytical results, testing and the ABP. The investigative methodology developed by the IC (and accepted as appropriate by the experts and by IAAF) for this purpose will include the following elements:

  • Obtain a copy of the leaked database and confirmation by IAAF that it is – or was – all or part of an IAAF database.
  • Obtain a copy of the report prepared by the Australian scientists.
  • Obtain from WADA the precise dates of the progress toward adoption of the ABP and the applicable protocols for bringing anti-doping rule violation charges based on the ABP, as well as any statements by WADA (or others) regarding inappropriateness of the use of suspicious or abnormal test results as proof of doping.
  • Verify what portions of the IAAF database have been recorded in ADAMS.
  • Identify suspicious test results that should have led to targeted testing.
  • Verify the actions of IAAF in dealing with such suspicious test results, including the timeliness and frequency of any subsequent actions, by examining the IAAF records on a case-by-case basis, and report accordingly to the IC.
  • Provide timelines established by the foregoing verifications [e.g., date of test, date of receipt of results, date of decision to target test, date(s) of targeted testing, date(s) results were received, date(s) of decision to proceed with sanctioning process, date(s) of process and decision(s) to sanction, date(s) of any provisional sanction].
  • Verify the actions of WADA regarding IAAF follow-up on suspicious values in the test results, while bearing in mind that the relevant ADO with full responsibility is the IAAF, not WADA, which has a primary role as monitor, rather than principal in matters of doping in Athletics, and report accordingly to the IC.
  • Determine to what extent, if any, were IAAF actions the result of WADA’s actions. Determine what internal processes were in place at WADA to coordinate follow-up with IAAF and other ADOs in relation to suspicious test results?
  • Identify any athletes having abnormal values in test results who were later discovered to have doped as a result of targeted testing, with timelines and outcomes.
  • Draw attention to any mis-statements made in media releases and other statements.
  • Make appropriate findings and recommendations.
In the press release, the IC, writes: "The extended mandate will be dealt with as expeditiously as possible, despite the complications arising from the forthcoming World Championships to be held in Beijing in late August 2015."

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