WADA Anti-Doping Organization Symposium Prioritizes Protecting Clean Athletes

Lausanne, 24 March 2015 – The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) today called on the global anti-doping community to optimize the implementation and practice of the revised World Anti-Doping Code (Code) just three months after the enhanced rulebook came into effect.


At its annual Anti-Doping Organization (ADO) Symposium, WADA issued the rallying call to a packed house of more than 450 representatives from International Sport Federations, Major Event Organizations, National and Regional Anti-Doping Organizations, athletes and the media. “WADA is pleased to be able to bring like-minded individuals together under one roof for three days, with the common pursuit of protecting the rights of the clean athlete,” said WADA Director General, David Howman. With a clear focus on protecting the clean athlete, participants gathered to discuss the enhanced Code rules that are now being practiced by 665 organizations around the world. “The ideas being discussed here this week will form the cornerstones of each and every anti-doping program in this new chapter for doping-free sport. From the importance of athletes ‘speaking up’ to the role that the media can play in exposing doping behavior, this year’s Symposium is tackling numerous aspects of the fight against doping in sport and highlighting all that the revised Code has to offer clean athletes of the world,” added Howman. Athletes are central to this year’s Symposium. Notably, this afternoon the WADA Athlete Committee participated in a high-level Breaking the Code of Silence panel that discussed how athletes can play an active part in solving the doping issue. “It was encouraging, and of course apt, to see athletes take center stage here today,” said WADA Vice President, Rev. Dr. Makhenkesi A. Stofile. “They are clearly asking us to represent their interests by enforcing the Codes’ rules in every region and in every sport.” The first day of the Symposium included in particular sessions relating to the implementation of the revised Code; stronger sanctions; and the influence of the athlete entourage. Days two and three of the Symposium will cover themes such as education; anti-doping science; intelligent testing; the Athlete Biological Passport; information sharing and investigations; ADO-laboratory relationships and ADO-ADO partnerships -- all of which are considered crucial to the future of the anti-doping movement.

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