Ukraine biathlon athlete waived B-sample

Biathlon athlete Artem Tyshchenko of Ukraine will not analyse the B sample.


The athlete referred to as "affected athlete" in IBU Press release from February, 16, 2016 Mr. Artem Tyshchenko has now waived his right of opening the B sample. Mr. Tyshchenko’s adverse analytical finding in the A sample was the result of a sample collected in Arber, Germany on January, 23 2016 as an In-Competition test at IBU Cup 6. The case is now legally considered a "positive doping case" and will be handed over to the independent Anti – Doping Hearing Panel for a decision. The report from the laboratory in Cologne of the urine sample showed the presence of Meldonium. This substance was added to the WADA prohibited list in January, 2016. Meldonium belongs to group S4: Hormone and Metabolic Modulators. As the substance detected is prohibited under the applicable Prohibited List, the IBU will now initiate the disciplinary procedure, and the case will be assigned to the IBU Anti-Doping Hearing Panel for adjudication. With regard to formal procedure and according to the IBU Anti-Doping Rules, Art. 7.1.5, the A sample result is thus officially accepted by the athlete. The IBU Anti-Doping Hearing Panel will schedule a hearing of Mr. Tyshchenko, which will be held in the near future. Mr. Tyshchenko’s provisional suspension will remain valid until the final decision is taken by the IBU Anti-Doping Hearing Panel. The final decision will be published as soon as possible.

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