Testmethod for Peginesatide ready

A detection method for Peginesatide(Hematide) has been developed at the German Sport University Cologne and the Swiss doping laboratory in Lausanne.


The detection methods were developed at the Center for Preventive Doping Research, German Sport University Cologne and the Swiss doping laboratory in Lausanne and have been recently applied in routine doping analysis. Meanwhile, 120 serum samples of the NADA, which are partially frozen since 2010, analyzed retrospectively to Hematide. So far, all analyzes are negative. Peginesatide effect is comparable to that of Erythropoietin (Epo), which can be misused, especially in endurance sports for illegal performance enhancements. The investigation of new detection methods is essential in the fight against doping. For years, samples are frozen for later testing of new methods of analysis. It is part of the NADA-control strategy to deter drug offenders in this way and also to carry on even after several years can. So far, NADA asked several follow-up, etc. the designer steroid tetrahydrogestrinone (THG), on growth hormone (HGH) and EPO variant Cera. The retrospective analysis of samples is the subject of collaboration with the Institute for Biochemistry in Cologne and the Institute of Doping Analysis and Sports Biochemistry Dresden Kreischa. The two institutes are among the world\'s total of 33 accredited WADA laboratories and have a key role in the fight against doping. They made their mark in the research and analysis and study, not least on behalf of NADA taken urine and blood samples.

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