RUSADA continues investigation of Race Walking Coach

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) has started a new investigation of Victor Chegin.


RUSADA has investigated the coach sin July 4, 2014. Now the Agency has started a new investigation in order to decide if the coach has violated paragraphs 2.6 (" Possession of Prohibited Substances and Methods "), 2.8 (" Administration or Attempted administration to any athlete of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method ") and 2.9 (" Complicity "). Victor Chegin informed about the fact of a possible violation of the anti-doping rules and their rights. The All-Russian Athletics Federation (VFLA) has decided to dismiss Victor Chegin to work with the team of Russia and also not send any race walkers to coming international competitions. This to avoid damage to the image of the Russian athletics in general. VFLA has also urged athletes not to do any training under the direction of Chegin.

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