Rio laboratory may get accreditation before Games

President of the World Anti-Doping Agency, IOC Vice-President Sir Craig Reedie, informed the Executive Board of IOC about the status for the Rio Anti-Doping Laboratory.


WADA revoked the accreditation of the laboratory LAB DOP - LADETEC / IQ – UFRJ Doping Control Laboratory (LADETEC) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil due to non-compliance with the International Standard for Laboratories (ISL) and the related Technical Documents. The decision was taken by WADA’s Executive Committee following a thorough review of the status of the laboratory by WADA’s Disciplinary Panel.WADA suspended the Rio laboratory accreditation on August 8, 2013 before a decision on revocation was taken by the Executive Committee. The decision made by WADA’s Executive Committee marks the second time the Rio laboratory has fallen below the required standards set by WADA. The laboratory was also suspended for nine months in January 2012, before being reinstated following a WADA site visit that ensured the proper corrective actions had been implemented. The WADA-president informed the IOC Executive Board that a joint task force of experts from WADA and the IOC that is currently in Rio, and has concluded that the local anti-doping laboratory is on schedule to be reinstated ahead of next Summer’s Olympic Games. The task force will report its findings to the WADA Executive Committee in May, when a decision on the lab will be taken.

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