The documentary titled “Doping – Top Secret: The Shadowy World of Athletics”, which was released by German broadcaster ARD on 1. August, alleges that ARD and The Sunday Times obtained a leaked database, belonging to the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), which contained more than 12,000 blood tests from around 5,000 athletes for the years 2001 to 2012. Condemns - WADA condemns the leak of athlete’s confidential information and wants to assure athletes of the world that they can have full confidence in ADAMS in protecting their personal data,” said David Howman, WADA Director General. “While WADA has not been granted access to the leaked database in question, we can confirm that the:
- great majority of the data pre-dates the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), which was introduced in 2009. The ABP monitors selected biological variables over time via the blood that indirectly reveal the effects of doping (versus detecting a doping substance or method directly).
- International Association of Athletics (IAAF) started using ADAMS in 2009 to enter its blood test results; and, therefore, the great majority of the data in question is not housed in ADAMS.
- data report format depicted in the documentary is not consistent with the ADAMS platform.”