- We can not overemphasize the importance of independence for the work of the Anti-Doping Organizations, said Dr. Andrea Gotzmann, CEO of the German National Anti Doping Agency (NADA) in a press release. - The report shows once again that all the Association's internal control functions have failed. We therefore call for an independent anti-doping organizations outside the international organizations in order to avoid obvious conflicts of interest. - This includes in particular the separation of the control system, which could be adopted by neutral institutions such as the iNADO. Thus connected to the WADA, whose basic function is the regulation and supervision of anti-doping work, and the National Anti-Doping Agencies to strengthen international by adequate fiscal and structural funds. We continue to expect that the international as well as national associations establish correspondingly extensive compliance and anti-corruption measures ", Gotzmann continues. - These measures are essential to protect the clean sport and the clean athletes. Only in this way is the integrity of fair and credible competition to maintain. Gotzmann, and NADA Germany believe it is important that anti-doping issues are processed by an independent commission. - Corrupt and criminal systems in international sport must be completely uncovered and prosecuted, said Gotzmann. - The results of the second report represent a further blow to the clean athletes. Whistle-blowers The ARD report and the work of the independent commission had been made possible only by the testimony of two whistle-blowers. - Whistle-blowers are essential for the anti-doping work. In addition to the recognition of this achievement and especially the protection of whistle-blowers should be ensured. We therefore call for the strengthening of the whistle-blower system internationally, as we have established it with our own BKMS system "Speak'S AN" in Germany, said Dr. Lars Mortsiefer, Board Member and General Counsel of NADA Germany. The independent commission was set up by WADA after the German broadcaster ARD aired two documentaries in the last two years. The Commission consists of three members: former WADA-president Richard W. Pound, Prof. Richard H. McLaren and Günter Younger, whose job was to investigate the information ARD reported. The first Commission report was published in November 2015.