Minister announces new anti-doping body

Minister announces new anti-doping body Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA)


The Australian Government has announced that it will establish a new Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) that will incorporate the current functions of the Australian Sports Drug Agency and add new functions for the investigation of doping allegations and presentation of cases at hearings. Senator Kemp has advised that legislation establishing ASADA will be introduced to Parliament at the earliest opportunity, with the aim that the new agency should be operational early in the new year. For more details, read Senator Kemp’s media release New body to take up the fight against drugs in sport announcing the functions and powers of the new Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority, and a new Australian Anti-Doping Framework, available from the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (DCITA). See also ASDA's media release ASDA welcomes new anti-doping authority.

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