Doping in tennis

Stimulants and anabolic steroids most used among dopers in tennis


In the Anti-Doping Database we have registered 87 doping cases related to tennis. 26 of the cases involves stimulants, while steroids has been used in 18 of the cases. Cannabinoids is used in 14. Cannabis most used Cannabis is how ever the single most prohibited substance tennis athletes test positive for. In 12 of the cases the substance has caused a sanction for the athlete. Cocaine is the second most used case with seven, while the anabolic steroids nandrolone and stanozolol is registered in six cases. Most tests in competition According to the statistics from the International Tennis Federation (ITF) athletes are mostly tested in competition (IC). The statistics from 2014 shows the following:

  • 1883 urine samples collected IC. 207 blood samples were collected IC.
  • 1139 urine samples collected OOC. 300 blood samples collected OOC.

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