Countries: USA: 708 Russia: 658 India: 572 Italy: 472 Sweden: 404 France: 345 Czech Republic: 293 UK: 269 Australia: 237 Spain: 183 (Note: not all countries publicly discloses information on anti-doping rule violation. this list can also be interpreted as which country is the best at being transparent in their anti-doping work) Sports: Track and field 1984 Cycling 1000 Weightlifting 969 Powerlifting 449 Swimming 368 Rugby 296 Baseball 283 Body building 282 Soccer 235 Wrestling 234 Substances: Stanozolol 799 Nandrolone 542 Cannabis 467 Methandienone 442 Norandrosterone 435 Testosterone 424 Methylhexaneamine 407 Erythropoietin 349 (We have 849 cases where the substance or the anti-doping rule is not disclosed) Sample collected: In competition 6828 Out-of-Competition 1405