Danish-German cooperation in the fight against doping

Anti Doping Denmark (ADD) in collaboration with the National Anti Doping Agency Deutschland (NADA) has taken a new step in the fight against doping. The two organizations have signed an agreement on exchange of information in order to strengthen both the national and international anti-doping work.


The agreement provides a clear framework for how the two organizations to handle information in an effort to streamline doping work in the two countries and enhance the investigation of possible violations of anti-doping rules. Within the framework of national legislation may ADD and NADA future share knowledge about intelligence, investigation and prosecution in relation practitioners, support staff and others subject to anti-doping rules.

Cooperation is the way forward

Both Denmark and Germany are leading internationally in working to combat and prevent doping in sport, and the agreement is an example of the intense cooperation between national anti-doping organizations working to eliminate the use of doping in the respective countries. - The world is getting smaller, and those who want to cheat, the more cunning. Therefore, we have to be sharper in our anti-doping work. I believe that transnational agreements on the exchange of knowledge and cooperation on intelligence and investigation is the way forward in the future anti-doping work, says Michael Ash, director of ADD. - To deal with problems of doping in sport, we need to work together, including at international level. This agreement is an important addition to our ability to share intelligence, says Lars Mortsiefer, Head of Legal at NADA.

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