Anti Doping Denmark and the police increase cooperation

Anti Doping Denmark (ADD) and the National Police have signed an agreement that creates a framework for closer cooperation between the two authorities in the fight against doping and match-fixing.


The agreement will strengthen efforts to combat crime involving doping and match fixing. This will be done by, inter alia to ensure more efficient solutions and to facilitate coordination between ADD and police, each sitting with important knowledge and intelligence in the two areas. "The cooperation agreement with the National Police provides a strong basis to benefit from each other's knowledge and exchange information in the work of a strong, unified efforts to combat crime involving doping and match fixing," says Michael Ash, director of Anti Doping Denmark. "Cooperation between Anti Doping Denmark and police on doping and match fixing will increase the possibilities of getting crime in these areas to life. I am pleased that we now have an agreement on this cooperation, "says Michael Kjeldgaard, police inspector at the police. Among the special focus areas of agreement are: Targeted action against organized and economic crime in doping and match fixing including manufacture, trafficking and sale of drugs and fraud and bribery. Information exchange on approaches and new trends. Exchange of information about suspects, accused or convicted in the doping and match fixing in order to strengthen the exploration and study basis. Exchange of information should be done within the legal framework, which among other things implies that only be exchanged to the extent necessary for the police and ADD's accomplishing tasks in doping and match fixing. The Cooperation Agreement between ADD and the National Police will initially run from 2016 to 2018 with the possibility of termination and extension.

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