2015 World Anti-Doping Code welcomed by UK bodies

Today, a revised World Anti-Doping Code and International Standards have been agreed at the World Conference on Doping in Sport.


The result of over 18 months of active consultation by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), with significant UK contribution, the new Code was approved in South Africa by the WADA Foundation Board and takes affect from 1 January 2015. Minister for Sport Helen Grant said: \"Doping has absolutely no place in sport and will not be tolerated. The public must have confidence that the sport they see is true and fair. Tackling doping requires a strong partnership between Government and sport and we have that in the UK. \"I support these changes to the World Anti-Doping Code that will help step up the global fight against drug cheats, suppliers, traffickers and anyone involved in doping.\" UK Anti-Doping Chief Executive Andy Parkinson said: \"In the UK we have consistently stated that anti-doping needs to continually evolve to protect clean athletes. \"Today we are delighted that many of the practices already implemented in the UK are now included in the revised Code and Standards, most notably tougher sanctions for cheats and a focus on intelligence-led and flexible programmes designed to both prevent and detect doping. We now look forward to implementing these changes in partnership with sports in the UK, so we are able to further support our clean athletes.\" BPA CEO Tim Hollingsworth said: \"After a thorough consultation process, we are pleased that the WADA Code and Standards have continued to evolve and will strengthen the fight for clean and fair sport. The Code will help us and our sports to continue to support and educate our athletes to enable them compete on a level-playing field and achieve their dreams.\" UK Sport Liz Nicholl said: \"Our primary focus is to invest in athletes to achieve medal success at Olympic and Paralympic games and it is vital to the integrity of sport that they are competing in a fair environment where drugs cheats are caught and banned. Funded athletes are role models in society and should adhere to the highest standards of behaviour so a robust worldwide anti-doping regime is also crucial to building that trust with the public. \"I am delighted to see the new WADA code has tougher sanctions for doping but also has scope to encourage athletes to disclose information which may lead to the authorities being able to root out more drugs cheats from elite sport.\"

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