National Anti-Doping Organisations

A list and links to National Anti-Doping Organisations

Agence Française de Lutte contre le Dopage

Agence française de lutte contre le dopage

Agence Luxembourgeoise Antidopage

Agence Marocaine Antidopage

Agence Nationale Antidopage Tunisia

Agencia Estatal Antidopaje

Agentia Nationala Anti-Doping

Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya

Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya

Anti-Doping Agency of Malaysia

Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia

Anti-Doping Bureau of Latvia

Anti-Doping Committee of Ministry of Health, Republic of Latvia

Anti-Doping Iceland

Anti-Doping Singapore

Antidoping Danmark

Antidoping Norge

Antidoping Sverige

Antidoping Switzerland

Armenian NADO

Autoridade Antidopagem de Portugal

Autoridade Brasileira de Controle de Dopagem

Azerbaijan National Anti-Doping Agency

Bahamas Anti-Doping Commission

Bahamas National Anti-Doping Committee

Bahrain National Anti-Doping Organization

Barbados National Anti-Doping Commission

Belarus National Anti-Doping Agency

Bermuda Sport Anti-Doping Authority

Bulgaria Anti-Doping Center

Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport

Chile Comisión Nacional de Control de Dopaje

Comisión Médica del Comité Olímpico Guatemalteco

Comision Nacional Antidopaje Argentina

Comisión Nacional Antidopaje de Costa Rica

Comisión Nacional Antidopaje Peru

Comitato Permanente Antidoping

Comité Monégasque Antidopage

Comité Nacional Antidopaje Mexico

Comité National Olympique Marocain

Cyprus Sport Organisation

Cyprus Sport Organisation, National Anti-Doping Committee

Czech Anti-Doping Committee

Czech Anti-Doping Committee


Drug Free Sport New Zealand

Drug Free Sport NZ

Egypt National Anti-Doping Organization

Egyptian Anti-Doping Organization

Estonian Anti-Doping and Sports Ethics Foundation

Estonian Center for Doping Affairs

Ethiopian National Anti-Doping Office

Federal Office of Sports, Division Doping Prevention

Fiji Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee

Finnish Antidoping Agency

Georgian Anti-Doping Agency

Hellenic National Antidoping Agency

In 1999 the establishment of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) (with headquarters in Montreal, Canada) under the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and with the support and co-financing of intergovernmental organisations, governments, public authorities and other public and private bodies led to the constitution of National Anti Doping Agencies.

In this context, the National Council for Combatting Doping (ESKAN) was established in Greece under the Law 2725/99 (article 128).

ESKAN consisted of nine members with a three year term, including lawyers with knowledge of sports or doping, scientists and prominent sports people.

Later, under the Law 4049/12 (article 11), the National Organisation for Combatting Doping (EOKAN), successor of ESKAN, was established as a legal person under private law by presidential decree. The international term for the organization is HADA (Hellenic Anti-Doping Agency).

Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee

Hungarian National Antidoping Group

Icelandic Anti-Doping Committee

Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization

International Orientation Federation

International Testing Agency

Iran National Anti Doping Organization

Israel National Anti-Doping Organization

Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission

Japan Anti-Doping Agency

Jordan Anti-Doping Organisation

Kazakhstan National Anti-Doping Centre

Korea Anti-Doping Agency

l'Agence Nationale AntiDopage de la Tunisie

Latvia Anti-Doping Agency

Lithuanian Anti-Doping Agency

Malaysian Association for Doping Control in Sports

Ministerio de Deporte y Juventud, Departamento de Control de Dopaje

NADO Italia

National Anti-Doping Agency of India

National Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The National Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established on the basis of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3457 of January 3, 2018 "On measures to organize the activities of the National Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan". According to this decision, the Agency will conduct its activities in the field of prevention of doping in sports and effective implementation of the unified state policy in the field of combating doping, the International Convention on Combating Doping in Sports, the World Anti-Doping Code and other international anti-doping standards. in order to ensure compliance with the requirements, as well as taking into account the recommendations and suggestions of the World Anti-Doping Agency. The agency operates on the basis of the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 23, 2018 "On the National Anti-Doping Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan". This Regulation defines the agency's status, main tasks, functions, rights, responsibilities, organization and reporting procedure, as well as the functional tasks and responsibilities of the head of the Agency. On April 6, 2021, based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-5057 "On measures to further improve the activities of the National Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the Agency's activities were brought to a new stage and the material and technical base was strengthened. Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-149, adopted on May 8, 2023, "On measures to effectively organize the activities of the National Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of administrative reforms", introduces fundamental changes in the activities of the Agency. started. Based on this decision, the National Anti-Doping Agency was reorganized into the National Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the "Road Map" on the transformation of the agency's priorities, organizational structure, and activities was approved. According to this decision, the following are the priorities of the National Anti-Doping Agency: a) implementation of a unified state policy in the field of prevention of doping in sports and fight against doping; b) on the basis of the World Anti-Doping Code and international anti-doping standards, to develop drafts of national anti-doping rules and normative legal documents regulating the field and make proposals for their improvement; v) regularly taking and checking doping tests from athletes in Olympic and non-Olympic sports; g) controlling the use of drugs and other substances with a pharmacological effect in sports using an effective system of anti-doping control; d) use of the online system for anti-doping administration and management (ADAMS system) designed to organize doping tests and other elements of doping control, collect and store information about athletes of the country; e) expansion and strengthening of international cooperation with leading foreign organizations for mutual exchange of advanced methods and technologies in the field of anti-doping control and their introduction; j) to help improve the qualifications of medical staff of sports federations, clubs and teams, to provide them with methodological assistance in the prevention of doping in sports and the implementation of anti-doping control, to implement educational programs, to promote healthy and honest sports to make; z) coordination of mutual cooperation of physical training and sports organizations, state bodies and other organizations in the field of anti-doping control.

National Anti-Doping Agency of the United Arab Emirates

National Anti-Doping Center of Ukraine

National Anti-Doping Center of Ukraine

National Anti-Doping Organisation (Malta)

National Council for Combating Doping, Greece

Nationale Anti Doping Agentur Deutschland

Nationale Anti-Doping Agentur Austria GmbH

Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs

Nigerian Anti-Doping Committee

Olympic Athletic Centre of Athens, Doping Control Services

Organización Nacional Antidopaje de Colombia

Pakistan Anti-Doping Organisation

Philippine National Anti-Doping Organization

Poland Anti-Doping Agency

Polish Commission Against Doping in Sport

Portuguese Anti-Doping Organization

Qatar Anti-Doping Commission

Romania National Anti-Doping Agency

Russian Anti-Doping Agency

Saudi Arabian Anti-Doping Committee

Slovak Anti-Doping Committee

Slovenian Anti-Doping Organisation

South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport

South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport

Spanish Agency for the Protection of Health in Sport

Sport Integrity Australia

Sport Resolutions UK

Sri Lanka Anti-Doping Agency

Turkey Anti-Doping Commission

The Turkish Anti-Doping Commission (TADC) was established in June 2011 with a protocol signed between the Turkish Olympic Committee and General Directorate of Sports on 24 May 2011 under the umbrella of Turkish National Olympic Committee, to form and implement a fully effective anti-doping program in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code. Immediately upon its establishment, The Commission held its first board meeting on 29 June 2011 and then prepared the “Turkish Anti Doping Regulation” which was drawn up in accordance with the World Anti Doping Rules (the CODE) of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA). WADA’s Foundation Board included Turkey in the list of the countries compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code at its meeting held in Montreal on November 20, 2011.

United Arab Emirates National Anti-Doping Agency

United Kingdom Anti-Doping

United States Anti-Doping Agency


World Anti-Doping Agency