News on doping in sport around the world
Stay informed on clean competition and anti-doping measures through the Anti-Doping Database.MSN
Simona Halep free to resume career after four-year doping ban cut to nine months
Simona Halep free to resume career after four-year doping ban cut to nine months - The former Wimbledon champion tested positive for the blood-boosting drug Roxadustat at the US Open in 2022.
Inside Sport India
Sprinter Hima Das to be back on field: Anti-Doping Panel clears sprinter of violations - Inside Sport India
Hima Das has been exonerated by the Anti-Doping Appeal Panel, clearing her of doping violations stemming from three whereabouts failures, allowing her to resume competition.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Why Jannik may be judged more sinner than saint
The Italian star was cleared of doping, saying he was unwittingly contaminated while being massaged. But that won’t wash with the World Anti-Doping Agency.
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